Monday 21 June 2010

Is former ballet dancing short man Rahm Emanuel quitting the White House?

In the general free-for-all that is the pillorying of BP's Tony Hayward, it is no surprise to see Barack Obama's short man attack dog, Rahm Emanuel (5ft 5ins approx), sticking the boot in.

After Hayward had the audacity to go on his two-fingers-up boating trip around the Isle of Wight at the weekend Rahm Emanuel led the charge on the biggest white collar pantomime villain since Fred 'Fred the Shed' Goodwin.

'It was a big mistake,' Emanuel was quoted as saying in the Times. 'That's clearly a PR mistake, but he's made a number of those quote Tony Hayward, he has got his life back. I think we can conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR consulting.'

How White House staff must have laughed heartily at that quip. How clever of little Rahm. Pat on the head from Barack. A stroke under the chin from Joe Biden.

This is a clear case of the short man showing something of a lack of class, to the discredit of all of us under 5ft 7ins. The willingness to point out a man's mistakes when they are there for the world to see. The necessity to shout that bit louder than anyone else. To get the first, the last, and any other laughs to be had.

Rahm, we can conclude, is not one of those iridescent short men we love so much - such as Prince or Aston from JLS. No, he is the kind of gnarled-up short man who wakes up every morning desperate to prove wrong those who doubt him and mock him. And as a former ballet dancer short man with a name like a 70s porn starlet battling it out in Washington, that's a lot of mockery to get him fired up.

Now there are reports, scurrilous probably, of him quitting the White House because of differences with Obama.

Fairly unlikely one would have to say, because could Obama really bring someone in as rampantly unpopular to do his dirty work? One as slavishly devoted to the cause? Or one who would do such a good job in the White House Christmas production of Swan Lake?

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